Tuition fee


Risk Management and Corporate Security Programme

Tuition Fee

 All good things are not always expensive!


Traditional Learning

SLO/ EU/ EEA*/ ex YU**

Traditional Learning

Non-EU citizens

 Year 1 1 7.150,00 € 8.450,00 €
 Year 2 1 7.150,00 € 8.450,00 €

1Enrolment fee per year: 270,00 €

*EEA: European Economic Area (EU member countries and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland)

** EX YU countries not EU members (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Republic of Serbia)


Tuition fee and other additional programme costs  must be paid in full before the start of your study.

Discounts for GEA College graduates

Your Loyalty Matters to us and we are here to reward your fidelity with exclusive discount.

We offer  10% off  (discount) to all GEA College – Centre of Vocational Schools graduates.


Paying your fees

Slovenian students
Foreign students

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