GEA College Incubator




What is GEA College Incubator?
Incubator GOALS
WHO is it intended for?
WHY join the Incubator?






Phone: +386 1 5881 326

GEA College Incubator activities are implemented within the framework of the SIO Incubator GEA 2020-22 operation.


EU evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj

Operation Title: SIO Incubator GEA 2020-22

Operation intention: implementing free of charge support activities for innovative potential entrepreneurs and new and existing companies with quick-growth potential (start-up).

Operation objective: encouraging formation and activity of companies, mostly start-up companies.

Operation Duration: 1 January 2020 – 31 December 2022

GEA College Incubator activities within the “SIO Inkubator GEA 2020–22” operation are co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development. The operation is implemented within the framework of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the period 2014–2020, priority axis: 3 dynamic and competitive entrepreneurship for green economic growth.

Link to the European Cohesion Policy in Slovenia website:

The following activities are implemented within the SIO Incubator GEA 2020–22 programme:

  • Promotional and motivational events (A);
  • Promotional and motivational events (A);
  • Information and consulting (B);
  • Themed events (C);
  • Mentorship (D);
  • Consulting from experts (E);
  • Target group portfolio management and expansion (F);
  • Increase of SIO competences (beneficiaries) and connecting (G).

User target groups for intended activities:

  • innovative potential entrepreneurs (innovative individuals, high school students, students, pedagogical workers, researchers);innovative potential entrepreneurs (innovative individuals, high school students, students, pedagogical workers, researchers);
  • new and existing companies with a quick growth potential “start-up”;

We perform the following stages within the project frameworks:

  • Stage 1: Support of the reviewing process of the business idea;Stage 1: Support of the reviewing process of the business idea;
  • Stage 2: Support to the growth and development of the “start-up” companies.
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