Online discussion with prominent entrepreneurial guests
Wednesday, November 16th at 6 PM online Central European Time
WHERE: The online discussion will take place at ZOOM.
Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), which will take place from 14-20 November 2022, is a global initiative to promote and encourage entrepreneurship in the world, organized by The Global Entrepreneurship Network. More than 1,000 events will be organized in 180 countries through the common platform, the aim of which is to make it easier for anyone, anywhere to start and expand a business. By fostering deeper cross-border collaboration and initiatives among entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policy makers and business support organizations, the Global Entrepreneurship Network aims to foster healthier startups and expand ecosystems that create more jobs, educate individuals, accelerate innovation and boost economic growth.
As part of the initiative, on November 16, 2022, at 6 p.m. CET, a round table with eminent business guests will take place, which you can also join. Among the speakers will be
–Ms Katja Kraškovic, MSc, director and dean of GEA College – Faculty of Entrepreneurship
–Rebeca Fitzgerald, Associate Dean, Humber College, Toronto Canada,
–George Deriso, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at the University of Boulder Colorado, US and GEA College,
–Dr. Marian Evans, Lecturer in Enterprise at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
The event will also be joined by the implementors and students of the COIL Program, which has been co-created for students by 3 partner higher education institutions: Humber College, Salford University and GEA College – Faculty of Entrepreneurship. The COIL initiators are Ms Susan Kates, professor from Humber College, Toronto Canada, dr. Ambarin Khan, professor from Salford University, Manchester, UK, and assoc. prof. dr. Jaka Vadnjal, GEA College – Faculty of Entrepreneurship.
Event agenda:
18:00 Event Introduction: Anamarija Meglič, MA, Head of International Office, GEA College
18:05 Welcome note: Ms Katja Kraškovic, MSc, Dean of GEA College
18:10 Keynote address: Ms Rebeca Fitzgerald, Associate Dean, Humber College, Toronto Canada
18:30 Roundtable discussion moderated by Ms Katja Kraškovic, MSc, Dean of GEA College with Q&A Session: Teacher of entrepreneurship as a role model
-Mr George Deriso, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at University of Boulder Colorado, US and GEA College, Ljubljana, Slovenia
-Dr Marian Evans, Lecturer in Enterprise at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
19:25 Event Closure: Anamarija Meglič, MA, Head of International Office, GEA College
About COIL:
COIL – Collaborative Online International Learning – is a dynamic form of virtual exchange that connects students with peers around the world. COIL takes the form of an experiential learning project or module co-created through a faculty or staff “match” with a faculty or staff at a partner institution in another region or country. By working virtually across borders students can develop and apply any number of mindsets and skills, such as systems thinking, digital fluency, collaboration, communication, and strategic problem solving. Staff and faculty COIL leaders expand their professional networks and enhance their portfolio through collaboration with an international partner.
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkcuqgpjgoH9BUHRsh0TFhABCojnGvso_4
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the session.
For more contact kindly contact:
Anamarija Meglič
Head of International office and Career Centre
GEA College