Katja Kraškovic, M.Sc. CEO / Director – Faculty of Entrepreneurship / Dean – Faculty of Entrepreneurship
T: +386 1 5881 307 M: tajnistvo@gea-college.si |
Nataša Makovec, M.Sc. Director / Head of Centre of Higher Vocational Schools
T: +386 1 5881 305 M: natasa.makovec@gea-college.si |
Nataša Urbanija, Administration Office
T: +386 1 5881 307 M: natasa.urbanija@gea-college.si |
Monika Strahovnik, Head of marketing and Business Development
T: +386 1 5302 470 M: monika.strahovnik@gea-college.si |
Polona Gačnik, International Office, Career Centre
T: +386 1 5881 326 M: Polona.Gacnik@gea-college.si |
Romana Možina, Marketing
T: +386 1 5881 372 M: romana.mozina@gea-college.si |
Tanja Moračanin, Project Manager in education
T: +386 1 5881 311 M: tanja.moracanin@gea-college.si |
Neža Jurčević, Student Affairs Office
T: +386 1 5881 349 M: neza.jurcevic@gea-college.si |
Jan Nalesnik, Student Affairs Office
T: +386 1 5881 349 M: jan.nalesnik@gea-college.si |
Tadeja de Queiroz Santos, Student Affairs Office
T: +386 1 5881 317 M: tadeja.santos@gea-college.si |
Klara Vidmar, Student Affairs Office
T: +386 1 5881 300 M: klara.vidmar@gea-college.si |
Prof. Dr. Ajda Fošner, Director of Research Institute
T: +386 1 5881 332 M: ajda.fosner@gea-college.si |
Assist. Prof. Mitja Jeraj, PhD, Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
T: +386 1 5881 322 M: mitja.jeraj@gea-college.si |
Assist. Prof. Dario Berginc, PhD, Consultant, Business Incubator, Lecturer
T: +386 1 5881 334 M: dario.berginc@gea-college.si |
Assist. Prof. Valentina Jošt Lešer, PhD, Vice Dean for the International Cooperation, MBA Program Director.
T: +386 1 5881 310 M: valentina.jost-leser@gea-college.si |
Accounting and Finance Department
T: +386 1 5881 300 M: racunovodstvo@gea-college.si |