About Career Centre

Job Vacancies and Traineeships

Career Counseling and Events

Collaboration with Employers

GEA College Career Centre connects the economic and academic sphere and assists students and graduates on their path to a successful career.

The mission of the GEA College Career Centre is the provision of various activities with the intention of improving competencies and increasing employment opportunities of our students and graduates.

The Career Centre strives to help their students and graduates in career and personal development. Career Centre therefore provides career counselling, information from the job market, connection with companies and collaboration with relevant stakeholdres to improve employment options.

Career Education, Events and Counselling

We organise various seminars and workshops to strengthen the employment competencies.

We also organise business events and networking with successful entrepreneurs.

We also offer career and entrepreneurial counselling.

Student Traineeships and Scholarships

We regularly inform the students about traineeships options home or abroad.

We encourage employers to organise student recruiting calls to assist them in selecting suitable candidates.

We collect and forward information on scholarships for the students.

Employment Options and Collaboration with Companies

We provide information on current employments and job vacancies on local and international market.

We collaborate and connect students with various companies, supporting the socially responsible and business-oriented projects.

Would you like to receive Career Centre news on scholarships, practices, employments and events? 

Contact us at karierni.center@gea-college.si!

Career development takes place through your entire life, and how an individual develops their career is largely their responsibility!

Personal Contact

Contact person:
Polona Gačnik


Phone: 00386 1 5881 326

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