• Apply for Open day 2023 HERE

  • Undergraduate and Postgraduate study programmes

  • Traditional Learning


Phone number: + 386 1 5881 327    E-mail: info@gea-college.si
Address: Dunajska cesta 156, Ljubljana

Entrepreneurship in Perspective Sectors

Traditional Learning and Blended Learning

Candidates can apply by submitting an electronic application on the website of the Ministry of education, science and sport: http://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava/,  which needs to be printed out, signed and sent to the following address: GEA College – Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Dunajska 156, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia) together with other required documents.
While studying Entrepreneurship in Perspective Sectors at GEA College, we will help you develop business and entrepreneurial skills, as well as teach you specialized knowledge in tourism and marketing. We will encourage your innovation, creativity, communication ability and project management. In short, we will equip you with the knowledge to succeed. Join us, the future belongs to the enterprising!

  • Undergraduate 3-year study programme
  • Classic or blended study mode
  • Part-time study

Entrepreneurial Management

Traditional Learning and Blended Learning

Candidates can apply by submitting an electronic application on the website of the Ministry of education, science and sport: http://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava/,  which needs to be printed out, signed and sent to the following address: GEA College – Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Dunajska 156, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia) together with other required documents. The entrepreneurial management provides knowledge required for a top-quality management of companies or projects in small and medium companies, non-profit organisations, national administration and public sector. The aim is to upgrade business skills by placing them in the entrepreneurial framework of thinking. It provides the efficiency and taking command of development and changes in various forms of entrepreneurship.

  • Masters Program
  • Traditional Learning and Blended Learning
  • 2-year study programme

Risk Management and Corporate Security

Traditional Learning and Blended Learning

Candidates can apply by submitting an electronic application on the website of the Ministry of education, science and sport: http://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava/,  which needs to be printed out, signed and sent to the following address: GEA College – Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Dunajska 156, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia) together with other required documents. The study covers the interdisciplinary theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of management and managing various risks in a company. The aim is to provide the management of business-security mechanisms in the economy, industry, national institutions and civil society.

  • Masters Program
  • Traditional Learning and Blended Learning
  • 2-year study programme


Traditional Learning and Blended Learning

1st application deadline: from 15th of February to 15th of July 2023

2nd application deadline: from 1st of August to 05th of September 2023

Candidates can apply by submitting an electronic application on the website of the Ministry of education, science and sport: http://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava/,  which needs to be printed out, signed and sent to the following address: GEA College – Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Dunajska 156, 1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia) together with other required documents.
The programme offers all advanced knowledge necessary to manage one’s own company, family company with tradition and departments or projects in large systems. The aim of the study is to promote the entrepreneurial orientation and progressive and creative thinking. It also offers the practical knowledge to attain successful entrepreneurial endeavours in the selected field.

  • Undergraduate study programme
  • Traditional Learning and Blended Learning
  • 3-year study programme

Organiser of social network

Only in Slovenian language The study programme offers a profound understanding of orientation and structure of the contemporary society. It promotes the aspiration to raise the quality of life and the inclusion of individuals or groups into a social network. The aim is to provide specialised knowledge in the field of organising the activities of social assistance and social legislation, as well as other social institutes and institutions.  

  • 2-year
  • Online
  • Part-time study

Catering and tourism

Only in Slovenian language The study provides numerous career possibilities and mastery of various fields (proficiency in foreign languages, management and organisation of events, knowledge of economy, marketing, gastronomy, law, information science and natural and cultural heritage). The aim is to provide advanced knowledge in the field of promising industries of catering and tourism, and to train an individual for successful work and development of innovative ideas in these and related fields.

  • 2-year
  • Online
  • Part-time study

Computer and information science

Only in Slovenian language The study is intended for all who want to acquire or upgrade knowledge in the field of IT technologies (ICT) and advance in their professional careers, the employees in the public of private sector who want to upgrade their knowledge in the field of ICT and acquire skills for an efficient and advanced dealing with work processes, and future and existing entrepreneurs who want to manage or expand the activity of their company in terms of ICT.

  • 2-year
  • Online
  • Part-time study

Bussiness administration

Only in Slovenian language The study offers comprehensive knowledge for a successful tackling the business challenges in different areas (organisation of work, human resource management, accounting, implementation of various business procedures). The aim of the study is to provide knowledge for successful management and organisation of office operations and efficient use of IT tools. 

  • 2-years
  • e-Study
  • Part-time study

Economist – Accounting field of study

Only in Slovenian language The study provides broad education with the emphasis on the fields of financial operations and accounting that provide a competitive edge in the market. The aim of the study is to provide applicable knowledge for managing and operating various business processes in the field of accounting, preparation and analysis of balance sheets, taxes and insolvency proceedings.

  • 2-years
  • Standard or e-Study
  • Part-time study

Economist – Business field of study

Only in Slovenian language The study provides broad education with the emphasis on the fields of sales and financial operations that provide a competitive edge in the market.  The aim of the study is to provide practical knowledge for managing and operating various business processes in the field of marketing, sale, purchase, logistics and provision of quality. 

  • 2-years
  • Standard or e-Study
  • Part-time study
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