Business education with a focus on entrepreneurship and management.
The GEA College has for many years accompanied and monitored numerous Slovenian and foreign companies and their employees. By organising educational workshops and seminars it conveys current and professional knowledge, which assist the management and their employees within company to solve the problems of modern business and offer suitable mechanisms for efficient business solutions.
Trainings of this kind are a key element of lifelong education, which stands for essential advantage and additional opportunities for expansion and realisation of business goals in the modern times of fast progress and implementation of change.
The GEA College organises workshops for companies and their employees, which can last one day or several days. Training is adapted to the needs and wishes of the company employees. We organise a goal-oriented educational plan with a guarantee of success. The GEA College approaches are always unique and differ from standard approaches of other educational institutions. During the training lecturers and motivation team try to discover with each individual their endowments and talents, they are encouraged in expressing personal ideas and competencies, which can become their competitive advantage on the market.
Contact person: Monika Strahovnik
Phone: 01 / 5302 470
Študij podjetništva je neposredna priprava študenta na soočenje s podjetniškimi izzivi, pomeni pridobitev znanj, ki so potrebna v poslovnem svetu. Vzgajamo takoj zaposljive, podjetniško razmišljujoče bodoče poslovneže.
Znanje je konkurenčna prednost vsakega posameznika. Cenim, da nam na fakulteti predavajo predavatelji, ki so strokovnjaki z bogatimi izkušnjami. Individualni pristop in dostopnost celotnega tima študij naredita še bolj prijazen.