Programme presentation


Computer and information science

Programme presentation

The objective of the study

 The aim is to provide advanced knowledge in the field of information technologies and systems. It qualifies an individual for planning and introducing new information solutions into the business system.

The acquired title after the graduation: Informatics Engineer.


The higher education programme – Information Science:

  • combines broad expert-theoretical and practical-applicable knowledge for work in the field of informatics;
  • provides the acquisition of generic and specific professional competence in the expert field of informatics;
  • promotes self-confidence in making business decisions and useof scientific methods in solving professional problems;
  • provides the knowledge for high quality and efficiency of work;
  • stimulates the independent development of professional identity, responsibility and professionalism.

The acquisition of competence:

  • mastery of skills to introduce ICT innovations into the business systems;
  • acquisition of knowledge for a successful and professional communication in domestic and international environment;
  • ability to handle standard methods, procedures and processes in the technological field;
  • mastery of procedures for installing and maintenance information and communication equipment and educating the users;
  • acquisition of knowledge to plan and build networks, installation and administration of servers, administration of data and introduction of comprehensive programme solutions;
  • management and solving of concrete work problems;
  • ability to connect the knowledge of various fields in using and developing new applications.

Personal Contact

Contact person:
Polona Gačnik


Phone: +386 1 5881 326

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