Študenti GEA College pozor!
Imate poslovno idejo, potrebujete zagonska sredstva in želite brezplačno v Črno goro? Prijavite svojo idejo na 7th Stock of Entrepreneurial Ideas!
Najboljša ideja študentov GEA College bo neposredno uvrščena v finale v Črni gori, 9. maja, 2017. Tja bo brezplačno odpotoval en član ekipe.
Rok za prijavo je 19. april, 2017 do 24:00.
(Bodite pozorni, prijavo morate oddati v angleščini.)
Zmagovalno idejo bomo razglasili 21. aprila, 2017.

Več o tekmovanju si lahko preberete spodaj.
You have a great business idea and now what? Once you have an idea that you think has business potential, don’t keep it to yourself! Until ideas are pushed forward, until they’re made to happen, they’re little more than air.
Grab your chance and apply for the
7th Stock of Entrepreneurial Ideas
May 9, 2017, Podgorica, Montenegro
Stock of Entrepreneurial Ideas is a place where “Supply” meets “Demand”. Your ideas are the „Supply”, which can be bid on by the “Demand”, represented by companies and institutions willing to invest in new business ideas.
GEA College’s partner University of Donja Gorica is one of the first student entrepreneurship supporters in Montenegro and initiator of the Stock of Entrepreneurial Ideas competition. Student Business Center in cooperation with the “Freedom & Entrepreneurship” foundation, continues its, now traditional, entrepreneurial-oriented projects.
Goal of the Stock Market of Entrepreneurial Ideas is to promote development of entrepreneurial and business ideas, especially among university students. This type of stock market is a place where students make a presentation of their business idea (“idea supply”). Ideas are structured according to the methodology UDG proposes. After the presentation comes quotation for the ideas. The best 30 ideas will also be presented in the seventh edition of the book “Book of ideas”.
The money provided by the “Demand” will be paid on the Foundation’s account first, which will immediately upon payment transfer 50% of the funds to the idea owners, while the other 50% will be paid to the owners of the ideas on the day when they establish their companies. The deadline for this establishment is 24 months from the date of the first 50% fund transfer.
More about the competition…