Taking part in an exchange program can be one of the greatest experiences in a student’s academic career!
Exchange experience compliments the academic knowledge gained with opportunities for personal development and help students to acquire skills needed for today’s job market.
Nomination and application at GEA College
1) Nomination
Coordinators at the home institution should nominate their students before sending the Application form. Send your nominations to Mrs. Polona Gačnik, polona.gacnik@gea-college.si.
After receiveing your nomination, we organize a Skype interview with each incoming student. With the Skype interview we get to know you and accertain your English knowledge. After the positive Skype interview, students can send in their Application form.
2) Application
Each student must send the Application form to the international office, with the following documents:
- Filled out and signed Application form
- Brief motivational leter (max 1 page)
- Transcript of Records
- One passport size picture
- (not obligatory) Language Certificate
- (if possible) Learning Agreement*
*The Learning Agreement can be send over email at a later date, but BEFORE you start your mobility at GEA College.
Send all of the document to the following address:
GEA College – Faculty of Entrepreneurship
International office
Dunajska 156
1000 Ljubljana
NOMINATION DEADLINE: July 15theach year
APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 31st each year
Academic year and courses
The winter semester starts on the 1 October 2018, with first lectures and/or Introduction Day. It will conclude in February, with the exam period. Please see exact dates here.
Avaliable courses in English for the Winter semester 2018/19:
Subject |
(CEX) Comprehensive Customer Experience |
6 |
(PA2) Business English 2 |
7 |
(CRE )Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship |
8 |
*Business Plan Basic |
4 |
CRM and Digital Business Intelligence |
7 |
(IFE) Informatics for entrepreneurs |
7 |
(FML) Fundamentals of management and leadership |
7 |
GEA College E+ Incoming 22-23_COURSES
Some changes might occur.
Application Deadlines
Introduction day is organized for the new incoming students. Students are asked to arrive on time to participate at the introduction/orientation day, which is especially organized for them. Each year the Introduction day is held in the first week of October, for the exact date see Academic year.
Tuiton fees and other costs
International exchange students, that visit GEA College from partner institutions under valid international bilateral agreement, do not pay tuition fee. Please note, that all international exchange students are responsible for covering the administrative fee and all other personal expenses, such as permanent residence application, travel, accommodation, daily substinence, health, books and stationery. Other expenses might occur due to rellocation.
We encourage the candidate to contact the International Office of their respective HEI for information regarding pre-existing valid international bilateral agreement.
GEA College has no student dorms in Ljubljana. Students have to find an appropriate accommodation in one of the private apartments or youth hostels by themselves. The monthly rent costs around 150 – 300 EUR. International office sends to the accepted international students more information about this.
For more information about finding accomodation, please see our Brochure for Erasmus+ incoming students.
Additional help
For more information about Slovenia and Ljubljana you can visit:
Mrs Maja Peharc, International office
Tel.: +386 1 5881 327
e-mail: maja.peharc@gea-college.si
Mrs Neža Jurčevič, Study affairs office for international students
Tel.: +386 1 5881 349
e-mail: neza.jurcevic@gea-college.si